Participation in competitive athletics and games is a privilege, not a right. Athletic eligibility shall be determined by the school.
Students need to cover the $50 annual athletic fee per school year. (If students do not return the uniform they will be charged a $50 fee.)
In order to be eligible to play, student athletes need to meet the following requirements;
Cannot have more than one F and not more than two D’s
Maintain 86% or better attendance.
Must have a physical on file with the athletic office to start the school year. (Free physicals at Kunsmiller middle school located at 2250 S. Quitman Way Denver, Co 80219.)
Students will be responsible for carrying and updating their grades and attendance tracker and turn it into our Athletic director every week!
Athlete Tracker Protocol
Athletic director prints a tracker for each player.
Students are responsible for putting in their grades.
Students get attendance from their Advisement teacher.
Student collects signatures by each teacher confirming that grades and attendance is accurate.
Students are responsible to turn in their tracker to the athletic director.
Athletic director informs coaches who are not eligible for that week!
Students who are suspended or are truant from school are ineligible to participate in athletics the following week. Every Friday at noon, we will publish the eligibility report outside our Athletic director’s office.
If a student is absent during the day, they will not be able to attend practice or games on that day. (exception: excused absences)
If a student has 3 detentions in a month=1 game suspension; 5 detentions = a 2 game suspension; 7 or more detentions=ineligibility to participate in athletics the remainder of trimester.
Students will ride in school vans/buses with their respective team(s) to games and practices unless parental consent is given and coaches approve.